Hopefully, by the time most of you read this, we will be far away from Emeryville, completely FREE of our slip, and making 6-8 knots downwind, beginning our grand adventure.
If this miracle happens, I probably won’t post for a few days – well, no guarantees – because we are going to try and sail as long as we can as long as the weather holds and right now it looks pretty decent through Sunday.
This last weekend was really fun, really emotional and really frustrating. As to the FUN and emotional parts, we had a gathering of SF friends Friday night and we got to say hi and chat with a lot of people we hadn’t seen in a while. I think my favorite moment, though, was when we left and those few that had stayed stood up, started to clap, gave us high-fives and shouted all sorts of encouragement and congratulations. It was like something out of the movies…
I cannot tell you HOW MUCH it means to us to have the support of our friends and family. Like Matt said on his blog, most of you don’t realize how RARE unconditional support for us and this trip has been. It is so nice to just talk to people, tell them what we’re doing and have them immediately be supportive. So THANK YOU to all of you out there who have always approached our adventure with smiles and kind words. 🙂
Now, we are exhausted of boat work, we have high hopes that everything is working properly (yay Matt & Pete!!!) and we are ready to begin enjoying the voyage.
This day has been a LOONNGGG time coming and I really really really hope today is the day.
So long, San Francisco.
* as long as the engine doesn’t overheat again on our way out!!!
Stephanie Preskitt // Feb 10, 2010 at 10:46 am
I wish you all the best, including a “COOL” engine! I look forward to following you on such an awesome journey!!! Remember to have fun for this is a journey into your future!
Now for a inspirational quote:
“Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence
of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense.”
Thomas A. Bennett
Lara // Feb 10, 2010 at 6:27 pm
Congrats and safe travels to you! 🙂
MOM // Feb 10, 2010 at 8:15 pm
Well, you are now about 10 hrs. into Day 1. You have been in my thoughts & on my heart all day. Travel safe, Sunshine. God be with you & guide you. Love You! MOM
Manoh // Feb 10, 2010 at 11:41 pm
Have fun you crazy kids. Sorry I missed you last week in the city. I look forward to reading your adventures!!!
Brittany // Feb 11, 2010 at 6:57 am
Congrats you too!! Fair winds!! So happy and excited for you both! xo
MOM // Feb 11, 2010 at 10:17 pm
Felicia // Feb 13, 2010 at 10:12 pm
Whoohooooo my cousin and her husband are famous!!!!
love you guys
To Future Cruisers: Plan better than we have… // Aug 10, 2010 at 3:49 pm
[…] keep the long passages to the minimum. But, not us! Oh no, we like to just GO. We have barely been sailing for 6 months and we have done a 9 day passage, a 25 day passage, a 5 day passage and now we are on the verge of […]