Weather Helmed

an adventure in renewing the spirit and living the dream…on a sailboat

Weather Helmed

Leaving Fiji (??)

October 13th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Debauchery, Fiji, First Mates, Passages

After checking out of the country for the second time (long story), we are hoping to leave Fiji in the morning (Oct 14).   Our plan is to head to Tanna, Vanuatu to check out an active volcano, then head to New Caledonia (probably Noumea – the “Paris of the South Pacific”!), where we will wait for a good weather window before making our final final FINAL leg of the trip! to Bundaburg, Australia.  I have really enjoyed our stay here in Fiji, although, believe it or not, I’m starting to get pretty bored.  ha!  I think this next part of the trip will be good and I feel optimistic that I won’t throw anyone overboard during the passages (nor myself).  I am feeling happier than I have in a long time 🙂  It could be because we had a great time with friends or because we’ve made new ones out of the restaurant staff here at Port Denerau, or maybe it’s because we just stayed in a nice resort hotel and slept in a fantastic bed, or maybe it’s because I get ice cream and hamburgers and excellent indian curry on a regular basis, or maybe it’s because I’m finally getting used to life on the boat after 8 months, or maybe it’s because I’ve been able to talk to some of my closest friends via Skype during these last two weeks, or maybe it’s because we’ve had lightning and thunder and wicked storm clouds here recently and right now I’m falling asleep to the delightful sound of rain on the deck, or maybe, just maybe, it is because of another FIJI HIGHLIGHT:

We’ve booked our tickets home!

p.s.  on a totally unrelated note, Jon has updated the drink link page on Syzygy, so for all of you awesome people who have helped us celebrate our successes and mourn our “failures,” check it out  🙂


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Matt Stevenson

    Hi Karen–I have really enjoyed reading your (and Matt’s & Jon’s) blog postings these past several months and living vicariously through your adventures. I’m feeling a bit sad that your voyage is nearly over! What will you do with the boat once you reach Australia?

  • Jamie Pelfrey

    Maddie has been keeping up with you. She often asks if Auntie Karen is still on the boat? I told her this morning before school that you had booked your plane trip home and would no longer be living on a boat. She wondered if you would move in with us? In her oh so cute Robert way she says” Hmmmm, I think I better right a book all about Auntie Karens adventures. She is 4 going on 45.

    We love you and are praying for you.

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